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B2B Growth Marketing

B2B Content Amplification

  • September 29 2016
  • Galen Dow
Blog Details

With our depth of experience across over 100 companies using Inbound Marketing and HubSpot software, we can say that we are enormous fans of the technology and methodology behind HubSpot. If you want a steady stream of high quality leads, who are ready to talk to sales, at the lowest net cost per lead (CPL), it’s hard to beat this approach.

No single marketing approach however is perfect. We have heard from Inbound Marketing customers who want the advantages of Inbound Marketing but also have ‘time to market’ challenges. They can’t wait for the time that Inbound Marketing can take and they need results faster than content marketing can deliver. Other clients have available budgets that they’d like to invest in more rapidly scaling or accelerating their pipeline. Still others are concerned about being only focused on the search box and in particular LTKW (Long Tail Keywords) and feel, justifiably, that they are missing out on leveraging other channels to reach their key Personas.

 AMPED Pipeline Marketing was created to address these challenges and take advantage of new opportunities to scale your business by leveraging your content to produce better, faster business results and much higher ROI of your content investment.

It's not about Brand Building vs. Demand Generation anymore.

Content Amplification strategies:

  • reduce TTV (Time to Value) of B2B Content Marketing
  • dramatically Increase the Reach and ROI of your Content
  • measurably Build your Brand
  • engage Highly Specific Personas
  • accelerate Your Funnel and
  • produce Measurable Revenue Increases

What do we mean by ‘Content Amplification’?

On Content Amplification vs straightforward Brand Building with B2B Display Advertising

Many B2B businesses are using ‘full service’ marketing or digital agencies. These agencies can serve a wide variety of end customers and are often fixated on brand building vs lead generation and nurturing. The digital display ads that they produce are therefore usually focused on message and design, not measurably moving the business forward today.

The media targeting strategy that you end up with using these agencies can be less than ideal. It may include the standard media buys such as local publications, targeted trade publications or massive tech publication networks. Each of these targeting tactics has their limitations, from being mis-targeted to being lost amongst brands with huge budgets. Even well targeted traditional media buys can miss a large segment of your audience who don’t happen to visit any one publication during your campaign.

You are undoubtedly seeing more ads that are ‘Sponsored Content’ like the leading B2B marketer examples below. This is a growing trend, for the simple reason that data shows that it works in measurable ways to both Generate Demand AND impact Brand Equity.

mobile_content_ad.png ibm_content_ad_1.png

We help smaller or under resourced B2B marketers to adapt to this trend by using content they are already producing, and leveraging new technologies to place it directly in front of your Buyer Personas wherever they are on the web.

There are many ways to build your brand, and leveraging targeted content is one of the best. At AMPED we focus on helping you to shape your brand through design, message AND content while generating demand.

Ad design format being equal, B2B Content Amplification outperforms straightforward Brand ads by a 3:1 to 5:1 margin in our tests.

Insight - Give your ad viewers something valuable to learn and they’ll respond.

Below are customer test results for Top of Funnel (Net New) targets using:

Traditional Brand Building Ads that were produced by a previous agency


your typical Free Trial offer

as well as

Content Amplification using 3 Pieces of Content the customer already had (2 downloads and one blog post).

Using content developed for the B2B Buyer Persona 'HR Hannah', you can see the improvement in engagement amplifying content being mindful of Relevance to both the Persona and the Buyer's Journey:

B2B 3rd Party Data Retargeting Advertising.png

Of all of the ads, the Amplified Blog Post performed best in terms of measured engagement. We believe in part this is because we gave them a reason to engage, i.e. come learn something. We believe also that it's because we respected where they might be in a B2B Buyer's Journey and a Free Trial is way to soon for a Net New prospect.

Here’s what the user experience for HR Hannah looked like for the blog post, and how leads are generated:


Here’s how AMPED leverages our Content to drive net new leads and improve website visitor conversions:



AMPED Ads are design optimized for best response practices using data gleaned from 23,397,541,849 display ad impressions served in the United States.

 b2b_content_amplification_display_ad_example.png           b2b_display_ad_example.png

Targeting your Personas with content that is relevant to them will dramatically improve your content engagement rates, and advertising efficacy and efficiency.

Insight - You are now able to spend your advertising budget directly reaching out to prospective customers, not just anyone who happens to visit a site you are advertising on.

Below are customer test results for Retargeting by Persona vs the General Website Visitor Population:

B2b 3rd Party Data Targeting Advertising.png

What makes AMPED different is that we get Demand Gen and Inbound Marketing, but we marry this understanding with a brand / creative / digital agency pedigree.

We encourage you to take advantage of our Introductory Guide to 1st and 3rd Party Data for B2B Marketers to understand some of the newest Content Amplification strategies available to help you cost effectively grow your business today.